Interface BaseFileComponentSchema



clearOnHide?: boolean

If the value of this field should be cleared when it is conditionally hidden.

conditional?: ConditionalOptions

Determines when this component should be added to the form for both processing and input.

defaultValue?: FileUploadData[]

The default value of this compoennt.

description?: string
errors?: ComponentErrors<"required">
fileMaxSize?: string
filePattern: string
hidden?: boolean

Determines if the component should be within the form, but not visible. This can be overridden with the conditionals.

id: string
isSensitiveData?: boolean
key: string
label: string
maxNumberOfFiles?: null | number
multiple?: boolean
of?: {
    image?: {
        resize?: {
            apply?: boolean;
            height?: number;
            width?: number;

Type declaration

  • Optional image?: {
        resize?: {
            apply?: boolean;
            height?: number;
            width?: number;
    • Optional resize?: {
          apply?: boolean;
          height?: number;
          width?: number;
      • Optional apply?: boolean
      • Optional height?: number
      • Optional width?: number
openForms?: {
    translations: ComponentTranslations<TranslatableKeys>;
} & {
    softRequired?: boolean;

Type declaration

Type declaration

  • Optional softRequired?: boolean
options: {
    withCredentials: true;

Type declaration

  • withCredentials: true
registration?: {
    bronorganisatie?: string;
    docVertrouwelijkheidaanduiding?: string;
    informatieobjecttype?: string;
    titel?: string;

Type declaration

  • Optional bronorganisatie?: string
  • Optional docVertrouwelijkheidaanduiding?: string
  • Optional informatieobjecttype?: string
  • Optional titel?: string
showInEmail?: boolean
showInPDF?: boolean
showInSummary?: boolean
storage: "url"
tooltip?: string
translatedErrors?: ErrorTranslations<"required">
type: "file"
url: string
useConfigFiletypes?: boolean
validate?: OFValidateOptions<"required">
validateOn?: "blur" | "change"

This will perform the validation on either "change" or "blur" of the input element.

webcam: false

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