Interface StrictComponentSchema<T>

Define a strict variant of's ComponentSchema interface.

This schema refines's (too loose) schema. It applies to most of the component types we support.

We also exclude 'multiple' here to force people to explicitly opt-in through the MultipleCapable for components that support it.

Type Parameters

  • T


  • Omit<ComponentSchema<T>, UnusedFormioProperties | "multiple">
    • StrictComponentSchema


clearOnHide?: boolean

If the value of this field should be cleared when it is conditionally hidden.

conditional?: ConditionalOptions

Determines when this component should be added to the form for both processing and input.

defaultValue?: T

The default value of this compoennt.

description?: string
disabled?: boolean
errors?: Object

Allows customizable errors to be displayed for each component when an error occurs. This is an object with the following keys: required min max minLength maxLength invalid_email invalid_date pattern custom

An object (keys listed above), values are the strings you wish to display. Each string has the {{ field }} to use within the string. Example. {"required": "{{ field }} is required. Try again."}

hidden?: boolean

Determines if the component should be within the form, but not visible. This can be overridden with the conditionals.

hideLabel?: boolean
id: string
key: string
label: string
placeholder?: string

The input placeholder for this component.

tooltip?: string
type: string
validateOn?: "blur" | "change"

This will perform the validation on either "change" or "blur" of the input element.

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