Interface FileUploadData

Shape of a single file upload from to the backend.


  • FileUploadData


data: {
    baseUrl: string;
    form: "";
    name: string;
    project: "";
    size: number;
    url: string;

Type declaration

  • baseUrl: string

    Formio base URL configuration option, set to the root of our own API.

  • form: ""

    Does not seem to be set to a meaningful value.

  • name: string

    File name of uploaded file.

    The value is different from the root name key.

  • project: ""

    Does not seem to be set to a meaningful value.

  • size: number

    File size in bytes, (positive) integer value.

    The value appears to be identical to the root size key.

  • url: string

    Full backend URL of the uploaded file (API endpoint).

    The value appears to be identical to the root url key.

name: string
originalName: string
size: number

File size in bytes, (positive) integer value.

storage: "url"

We only support file uploads to a backend URL.

type: string

MIME type, determined by the browser during upload. If the OS/browser doesn't know it, it seems to be an empty string (see blob/27877938249cdd627294871b70291ab8dc66fd61/src/formio/components/FileField.js#L279)

url: string

Full backend URL of the uploaded file (API endpoint).

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