Interface SignatureComponentSchema

The built-in Formio.js signature component type.

Source code this is based on:

Note that we don't offer support for many properties through our form builder, like:

  • width
  • height
  • penColor
  • backgroundColor
  • minWidth
  • maxWidth

Because of that, they are also not added to the type definitions (yet). That may change once we implement our own renderer.


  • Omit<SignatureInputSchema, "hideLabel" | "disabled" | "placeholder" | "validateOn" | "multiple">
    • SignatureComponentSchema


clearOnHide?: boolean

If the value of this field should be cleared when it is conditionally hidden.

conditional?: ConditionalOptions

Determines when this component should be added to the form for both processing and input.

defaultValue?: "" | `data:image/png;base64,${string}`

The value type of the component. We don't support multiple: true in this component.

Note that we use the defaultValue property to infer the value type, we do not support actually setting a component default value.

description?: string
errors?: Object & ComponentErrors<"required">

Allows customizable errors to be displayed for each component when an error occurs. This is an object with the following keys: required min max minLength maxLength invalid_email invalid_date pattern custom

An object (keys listed above), values are the strings you wish to display. Each string has the {{ field }} to use within the string. Example. {"required": "{{ field }} is required. Try again."}

footer?: string

The footer is a text displayed below the drawing canvas which may hint the user on what is expected of them.

I'm not sure what the difference is with the 'description' field.

hidden?: boolean

Determines if the component should be within the form, but not visible. This can be overridden with the conditionals.

id: string
isSensitiveData?: boolean
key: string
label: string
openForms?: {
    translations: ComponentTranslations<TranslatableKeys>;

Type declaration

registration?: {
    attribute: string;

Type declaration

  • attribute: string
showInEmail?: boolean
showInPDF?: boolean
showInSummary?: boolean
tooltip?: string
translatedErrors?: ErrorTranslations<"required">
type: "signature"
validate?: OFValidateOptions<"required" | "plugins">

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