clearIf the value of this field should be cleared when it is conditionally hidden.
Nested components inside the group/fieldset.
conditionalDetermines when this component should be added to the form for both processing and input.
hiddenDetermines if the component should be within the form, but not visible. This can be overridden with the conditionals.
Control whether the fieldset header/legend is displayed or not.
This should probably use the built-in hideLabel
property instead,
which requires a backend data migration and update to the SDK code.
tooltipGenerated using TypeDoc
The fieldset component schema.
Fieldsets are used to manage group fields together. They can improve accessibility by grouping related fields together.
property has no effect on the submission data structure (it does not create a nesting level, the component is purely presentational).The label is displayed as the legend element, while the upstream component uses an explicit legend property for this purpose.