Interface EditGridComponentSchema

The editgrid component schema.

Edit grids ("repeating groups") are used as a blueprint for array values with complex nested structures (as opposed to textfield with multiple true) inside.

The nested components describe a single group of fields that are repeated for every item. Because of that, the defaultValue type cannot be statically defined, as it is derived from the dynamic configuration.

Edit grids are essentially always 'multiple: true', so this property does not apply to this component type either.


There are probably a bunch of properties used in the SDK that are not exposed in the form builder -> add them when we know what they are!



addAnother?: string

Button label to add another item.

clearOnHide?: boolean

If the value of this field should be cleared when it is conditionally hidden.

components: AnyComponentSchema[]

Nested components inside the group.

conditional?: ConditionalOptions

Determines when this component should be added to the form for both processing and input.

defaultValue?: unknown[]

The default value of this compoennt.

description?: string
disableAddingRemovingRows: boolean

Control whether any rows can be added or removed.

groupLabel: string

Label for an individual item, interpolated with the index of each item.

hidden?: boolean

Determines if the component should be within the form, but not visible. This can be overridden with the conditionals.

hideLabel?: boolean
id: string
isSensitiveData?: boolean
key: string
label: string
openForms?: {
    translations: ComponentTranslations<TranslatableKeys>;

Type declaration

removeRow?: string

Button label to remove a single item.

saveRow?: string

Button label to save/confirm a single item.

tooltip?: string
type: "editgrid"
validate?: OFValidateOptions<Validator>

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