Interface ContentComponentSchema

The content component schema, intended for WYSIWYG content.

The content component type is a mechanism to include additional text/content by form designers to provide additional information. It is not possible to submit any value(s) for it.


  • Omit<LayoutComponentSchema<never>, "tooltip" | "multiple" | "defaultValue" | "clearOnHide" | "validate" | "errors" | "description" | "hideLabel" | "disabled" | "widget" | "validateOn" | "placeholder">
  • DisplayConfig
  • OFExtensions<TranslatableKeys>
    • ContentComponentSchema


conditional?: ConditionalOptions

Determines when this component should be added to the form for both processing and input.

customClass?: "" | "error" | "success" | "info" | "warning"
hidden?: boolean
html: string

Even though the label is present, it is typically not displayed anywhere.

id: string
isSensitiveData?: boolean
key: string
label?: string
openForms?: {
    translations: ComponentTranslations<"html">;

Type declaration

registration?: {
    attribute: string;

Type declaration

  • attribute: string
showInEmail?: boolean
showInPDF?: boolean
showInSummary?: boolean
type: "content"

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