Interface MapComponentSchema

Custom Formio component type.


  • Omit<MapInputSchema, "hideLabel" | "disabled" | "placeholder">
    • MapComponentSchema


clearOnHide?: boolean

If the value of this field should be cleared when it is conditionally hidden.

conditional?: ConditionalOptions

Determines when this component should be added to the form for both processing and input.

defaultValue?: null | MapValue

Only specified to be able to type the submission data value. We do not see a use case for pre-selecting a particular location on a map component, as the SDK asks the user for their location anyway.


Do not add the default value to the builder.

defaultZoom?: null | 2 | 1 | 3 | 4 | 8 | 5 | 6 | 10 | 7 | 12 | 9 | 11 | 13

Default zoom level, limited by Leaflet and the available tile service zoom levels.

Leaflet zoom level is a range of 1-20, but the Dutch tile service only supports up to level 13.


Make property required, which requires a data migration.

description?: string
errors?: Object & ComponentErrors<"required">

Allows customizable errors to be displayed for each component when an error occurs. This is an object with the following keys: required min max minLength maxLength invalid_email invalid_date pattern custom

An object (keys listed above), values are the strings you wish to display. Each string has the {{ field }} to use within the string. Example. {"required": "{{ field }} is required. Try again."}

hidden?: boolean

Determines if the component should be within the form, but not visible. This can be overridden with the conditionals.

id: string
initialCenter?: {
    lat?: number;
    lng?: number;

Coordinates to center the map on initially.

Type declaration

  • Optional lat?: number
  • Optional lng?: number


Make property required, which requires a data migration.

isSensitiveData?: boolean
key: string
label: string
openForms?: {
    translations: ComponentTranslations<TranslatableKeys>;

Type declaration

registration?: {
    attribute: string;

Type declaration

  • attribute: string
showInEmail?: boolean
showInPDF?: boolean
showInSummary?: boolean
tooltip?: string
translatedErrors?: ErrorTranslations<"required">
type: "map"
useConfigDefaultMapSettings?: boolean

If true, the backend must apply the globally configured defaults to a particular map instance. This results in populating defaultZoom and initialCenter, so for the SDK this property has no effect.


Make property required, which requires a data migration.

validate?: OFValidateOptions<"required" | "plugins">
validateOn?: "blur" | "change"

This will perform the validation on either "change" or "blur" of the input element.

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